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Evaluation of the Accuracy of Estimated Endpoint Titer of NOVA View in Indirect Immunofluorescent Antinuclear Antibody Testing

 Hae Weon Cho  ;  Soon-Ho Jeong  ;  Jun Sung Hong  ;  Dokyun Kim  ;  Yongjung Park  ;  Seok Hoon Jeong 
 DIAGNOSTICS, Vol.14(15) : 1580, 2024-07 
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antinuclear antibody ; indirect immunofluorescence assay ; automation ; serial dilution endpoint titration ; single-well titration ; antibodies ; antinuclear ; fluorescent antibody technique ; indirect ; automation ; laboratory
For antinuclear antibody (ANA) screening, the gold standard method is an indirect immunofluorescence assay (IIFA) using HEp-2 cells, and a serial dilution test is needed to determine the endpoint titer. We aimed to evaluate the accuracy of the estimated endpoint titer (eEPT) by the NOVA View system, by comparing it with the EPT by the serial dilution method (dEPT). The endpoint titers of a total of 1518 ANA positive cases with five major patterns including speckled, homogeneous, centromere, nucleolar, and nuclear dots patterns were determined using both the estimation function and the serial dilution method by the NOVA View system. A significant correlation between the light intensity unit (LIU) values and dEPTs was identified in all five patterns with high ρ values, ranging from 0.666 to 0.832. However, the overall exact match rate between dEPT and eEPT was 22.1% (336/1518), with the ±one-titer match rate being highest in the centromere pattern (62.8%, 81/129), and lowest in the homogeneous pattern (37.6%, 200/532). This suggests that while LIU values correlate well with dEPT, there are discrepancies in numerical agreement. Most cases that did not show an exact match, showed one-to-three-titer overestimations by eEPT. Therefore, adjusting eEPT downward significantly improved the concordance rates with dEPTs. Further investigation for an appropriate cutoff of LIU values for determining eEPT should be performed for clinical application and contribution to the standardization of the ANA titer.
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Yonsei Authors
Kim, Dokyun(김도균) ORCID logo
Park, Yong Jung(박용정) ORCID logo
Jeong, Seok Hoon(정석훈) ORCID logo
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