The authors observed the clinical status of 29 patients with vocal cord paralysis caused by tumor from April, 1983 to September, 1993 at Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Yongdong Severance hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine. The results were as follows: 1) In the kinds of neoplasms, the most frequent were lung Ca. with 13 cases(44.8%), followed by 8 cases by thyroid Ca., 3 cases by neurogenic tumor, 2 cases by mediastinum tumor, cervical esophagus Ca., tracheal Ca., glomus jugulare were 1 case each. 2) In sex distribution, there were 18 cases of males and 11 cases of females with the male to female ratio being 1.8:1. In age distribution, most of the cases(10 cases ; 34.5%) were in the 7th decade. 3) In chief complaints, most of the cases(17 cases : 58.6%) had hoarseness only and aspiration, stridor, dyspnea, cough, dysphagia were present in some cases. 4) In site of the paralysed vocal cord, 21 cases were in the left cord. 5 cases in the right cord and 3 cases in the both cords. 5) In the position of paralysed vocal cord, most of the cases(23 cases : 79.3%) were in the parmedian position.