악성종양에 의한 폐쇄성황달 및 폐쇄 상하부에 담관결석이 동반된 환자에서 Coil형 팽창성금속도관(Endocoil) 삽관을 통한 치료
Other Titles
Successful Management by a New Self-expandable and Removable Metallic Coil Stent Insertion in a Case with Malignant Obstructive Jaundice Associated with CBD Stones at Below and Above the Stricture
한기준 ; 송시영 ; 정재복 ; 강진경 ; 박인서 ; 성진실
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (대한소화기내시경학회지), Vol.14(4) : 402-408, 1994-12
Endoscopic retrograde biliary drainge is a useful method of palliative treatment of malignant biliary obstruction with respect to safety, rapidity in decompression of obstruction. However, despite of efforts to prolong patency of the stents, the main long term complication of current-widely used plastic endoprosthesis is to tendency for the stents to become clogged by sludge leading to recurrent jaundice and cholangitis, finally, obstruction of stents. Recently, in an effort to improve the patency of stent, variety of self-expandable metallic endoprosthesis have developed and which can be compressed into and inserted through small lumen catheter with large-bored lumen in expandable state. However, most of these open mesh of self-expandable stents allows tumor in growth which causes reobstruction, and additionally it is nearly impossible to retrieve the inserted prosthesis. Recently developed coil metal stent(Endocoil, Intent Co.), which, unlikely other previous metallic stent, has possibility of retrieving prosthesis and prevention of tumor ingrowth. We experienced a case of 52-year old male sufferd from malignant biliary obstruction due to recurrence of cancer at peripancreatic lymph nodes and combined with common bile duct stones on both proximal and distal side of the stricture, in whom Endocoil was implanted with sucessful decompression of obstruction and simultaneous removal of biliary stones located at both side of stricture.