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Association between outdoor temperature and achilles tendon repair: A 14-years nationwide population-based cohort study

 Kwang Hwan Park  ;  Jae Han Park  ;  Yeo Kwon Yoon  ;  Jai Bum Kwon  ;  Jung Hwan Kim  ;  Eunju Lee  ;  Yunho Roh  ;  Seung Hwan Han  ;  Jin Woo Lee 
 PLOS ONE, Vol.17(3) : e0265041, 2022-03 
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Achilles Tendon* / surgery ; Adult ; Cohort Studies ; Humans ; Rupture ; Temperature ; Tendon Injuries* ; Treatment Outcome ; Young Adult
The incidence of achilles tendon rupture varies by gender, age, and seasonal variation. However, there has been no study as yet linking achilles tendon rupture to daily fluctuations in outdoor temperature. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between outdoor temperature and achilles tendon rupture using a Korea Meteorological Administration database and a Korean National Health Insurance Service-National Sample Cohort database. Between 2002 and 2015, all instances of achilles tendon repair were retrieved from the National Health Insurance Service-National Sample Cohort database to examine sociodemographic factors, specifically sex, age, residential area, and income level. Minimum age requirement was 20 years. Outdoor temperatures recorded at 16 observation points in South Korea were also acquired from the Korea Meteorological Administration data center for analysis. Overall, 850 (0.119%) of 713,456 individuals in the National Health Insurance Service-National Sample Cohort database underwent achilles tendon repair between 2002 and 2015. Yearly procedural totals increased with advancing age, peaking at ages 30-39 years (14.6 per 100,000 persons) and declining thereafter. Minimum, median, and maximum outdoor temperatures were associated with achilles tendon repair (p<0.05), as did household income. In multivariate logistic regression analysis, outdoor temperatures, sex, age, and household income emerged as factors significantly associated with achilles tendon repair. Outcomes of this study confirm an association between incidence of achilles tendon repair and outdoor temperature, the latter denoting a novel index and likely surrogate measure of vigorous physical activity afforded by warmer weather.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery (정형외과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Roh, Yun Ho(노윤호)
Park, Kwang Hwan(박광환) ORCID logo
Park, Jae Han(박재한) ORCID logo
Yoon, Yeo Kwon(윤여권) ORCID logo
Lee, Jin Woo(이진우) ORCID logo
Han, Seung Hwan(한승환) ORCID logo
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