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The Awareness and Usage of Big Data for Cancer in Korea: A Survey Study

Other Titles
 한국의 암 빅데이터 인식과 활용: 설문 조사 
 Eun Sil Baek  ;  Choong-kun Lee  ;  Jee Suk Chang  ;  Jeong Eun Choi  ;  Sang Joon Shin 
 Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics (보건정보통계학회지), Vol.46(2) : 171-180, 2021-05 
Journal Title
Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics(보건정보통계학회지)
Issue Date
Big data ; Awareness ; Cancer ; Healthcare ; Surveys and questionnaires
A growing interest in big data for cancer research and treatment motivated us to investigate the demand for it by healthcare users.
The survey was conducted from December 3, 2019 to January 7, 2020, in Korea. Respondents from 18 healthcare organizations participated in the survey. Among the 172 questionnaires received, 164 responses were used for the final analyses.
The majority of respondents showed a high awareness of big data related to cancer (n=148, 90.2%). However, only about half of the respondents were aware of how big data related to cancer is used (n=85, 51.8%). Among the respondents with experience using big data (n=83, 50.6%), more than half used big data only about once a year (n=43, 51.8%). The majority of respondents had particularly high demand for big data associated with “chemotherapy” (n=154, 94.5%), followed by “cancer type at diagnosis status”, “clinical stage,” and “recurrence.” The main considerations for releasing cancer big data were “trustworthiness of data” (63.2%), “provision of valuable data” (58.9%), and “improvement of data accuracy” (55.8%).
The study identified that even though respondents have a high awareness of and demand for big data related to cancer, it is not being sufficiently utilized at present. To increase the utilization of big data for cancer research and treatment, it is necessary to consider its purpose and how to make it available in line with the specific requirements of the health-care industry, hospitals, and academia.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Radiation Oncology (방사선종양학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Shin, Sang Joon(신상준) ORCID logo
Lee, Choong-kun(이충근) ORCID logo
Chang, Jee Suk(장지석) ORCID logo
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