The goal of this study was to develop a potential druggable target for lung injury after SABR through the small animal model. Utilising the model, a radiation dose of 70 Gy or 90 Gy was focally (small volume) delivered to the left lung of mice. The highly expressed phosphorylation form of C-Raf was discovered through a protein array experiment, with the protein being extracted from the area of radiated mouse lung tissue, and was confirmed by IHC and western blot. C-Raf activation, along with morphological change and EMT (Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition) marker expression, was observed after radiation to the mouse type II alveolar cell line MLE-12. C-Raf inhibitor GW5074 was able to reverse the EMT in cells effectively, and was found to be dependent on Twist1 expression. In the animal experiment, pretreatment of GW5074 alleviated EMT and lung injury after 70 Gy radiation was focally delivered to the lung of mice. Conclusively, these results demonstrate that C-Raf inhibitor GW5074 inhibits high-dose small-volume radiation-induced EMT via the C-Raf/Twist1 signalling pathway in mice. Therefore, pharmacological C-Raf inhibitors may be used effectively as inhibitors of SABR-induced lung fibrosis.