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백반증 조직 이식술 치료 성적에 대한 분석: 11년간의 단일 기관 후향적 연구

Other Titles
 Treatment Results of Tissue Grafting in Vitiligo: A Single-Center Retrospective Analysis for 11 Years 
 노원석  ;  박중원  ;  박수진  ;  오상호 
 Korean Journal of Dermatology(대한피부과학회지), Vol.60(2) : 82-90, 2022-02 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Dermatology(대한피부과학회지)
Issue Date
Prognosis ; Surgery ; Vitiligo
Background: Vitiligo is an acquired depigmentary disorder characterized by the destruction of melanocytes via an autoimmune-mediated process. Treatments can be categorized into nonsurgical and surgical methods. Prognostic factors of surgical management in vitiligo have not been widely studied in the Korean population.
Objective: To investigate the prognostic factors of tissue grafts in vitiligo.
Methods: We retrospectively analyzed patients who underwent tissue grafting for vitiligo between January 2010 and December 2020. Medical records and clinical photographs were reviewed, and demographics, disease characteristics, and treatment outcomes were collected.
Results: A total of 195 cases were evaluated, and among them, 86 (44.1%) showed 75% improvement, and 49 (25.1%) showed 50% to 74% improvements 3 months after surgery. Statistical analyses showed that the prognosis of tissue grafting was significantly different according to vitiligo subtype, recipient site, and grafting method. The focal and segmental type, head and neck sites, and suction blister grafting showed favorable results compared with the non-segmental type, sites other than the head and neck, and punch grafting. Age and adjuvant phototherapy did not affect the clinical outcomes.
Conclusion: This study proposes several clinical factors that affect the outcomes of skin grafting in vitiligo.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Dermatology (피부과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Oh, Sang Ho(오상호) ORCID logo
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