High risk factors(HRFs) were selcted by statistically analyzing thee 386 cases of the cervical cancer trea by rodiotherapy at Yonsei UJniversity Medical Center (YUMC) from 1976 to 1984. These risk factors were stage IIl - IV, small cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, stage I - II and lesion size>4cm and lymph node metastasis by lymphography. To evaluate the survuval of patients with at least one of these HPFs following concuIrrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy and to assess the toxicity of concyrrent chemotherpay and radiotherapy, 171 patients were selected who had at least one of these HPFs from 1984 to 1994 YUMC. The 54 month survival was 41% with stage III - lV, the 60 month survival was 84% with stage I-II and lesion size>4cm, the 60 month survival was 17% with lymph node metastasis by computed temogrphy, and the 42 mont,h survival was 43% with small carcinoma, the 54 month survival was 72% with adenocwcinoma. Toxicity of concurrent chenxraditherapy was mild to moderate degree of leukopennia, anemia, renal toxicity, thrombocytopenia and hepatotoxicity. The study's results imply that concrurent chemororadiotherapy may be effective to the patients mth stage I - II and lesiorn size>4cm, and the number of optimal course to significantly improve prognosis while minimizing toxicity needs to be determined.