혈역학적으로 불안정한 중환자에서 산소공급과 산소소모:생존환자 대 비생존환자 패혈증 환자 대 비패혈증 환자의 비교
Other Titles
Oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption in critically ill patients with unstable hemodynamic: comparisons between survivors vs nonsurvivors and septic vs nonseptic patients
박은치 ; 고신옥 ; 이세실
Journal of Korean Society of Anesthesiologist (대한마취과학회지), Vol.31(2) : 208-216, 1996-08
To maintain adequate oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption is essential to care of the critically ill patients. The authors undertook this study to evaluate the patterns of oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption in hemodynamically unstable patients.
Twenty hemodynamically unstable patients were studied. Pulmonary artery catheters were inserted and the hemodynamic variables including oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption were calculated immediately, and 1, 8, 24 hours, respectively after catheterization, and immediately before catheter removal. Patients were divided into survivor and nonsurvivor groups, and the hemodynamic data were compared. The same patients were divided into septic and nonseptic patient groups and same study was done.
There were no statistical differences in oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption between the survivors and the nonsurvivors, and the septic and the nonseptic patients. But oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption of the survivors were higher than those of the nonsurvivors.
Although we could not find statistical significance, we concluded that supranormal level of oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption could improve the outcome of critically ill patients.