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60세 이후에 진단된 노인당뇨병의 임상상

Other Titles
 Clinical Characteristics of Elderly Diabetics Diagnosed after 60 Years Old 
 송창호  ;  원영준  ;  류정선  ;  신영구  ;  정춘희  ;  최동훈  ;  송영득  ;  남문석  ;  이지현  ;  이은직  ;  임승길  ;  이현철  ;  허갑범  ;  정윤석  ;  김현만 
 Korean Journal of Medicine (대한내과학회지), Vol.51(2) : 234-242, 1996-07 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Medicine(대한내과학회지)
Issue Date
Objectives : With increasing the incidence and prevalence of elderly diabetics, there were many reports of elderly diabetics in Korea. But there were few reports of elderly diabetics who were diagnosed at old age. The aim of this study was to elucidate the clinical characteristics of elderly diabetics diagnosed after 60 years old. Methods: On the basis of age when they were diagnosed at first, elderly diabetics(N=105) were more than 60 years old and adult diabetics were 40-59 years old. Some characteristic symptoms, laboratory findings, associated diseases, complications and treatment modalities of elderly diabetics were compared with those of adult diabetics. Results: 1) The prevalences of characteristic symptoms such as polydipsia, polyphagia and polyuria in elderly diabetics were much higher than those of adult diabetics. 2) Hypertension, coronary artery disease, malignancy and gall stone were more frequently associated in elderly diabetics than those in adult diabetics, but fatty liver was more frequent in adult diabetics. 3) The prevalences of diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy in elderly diabetics were similar to those of adult diabetics, but the prevalence of diabetic neuropathy in elderly diabetics was lower than those in adult diabetics, 4) Treatment modalities of elderly diabetics were oral hypoglycemic agents, diet and exercise, and insulin in order at discharge from hospital, and the use of diet and exercise was more frequent in elderly diabetics than in adult diabetics. Conclusion: Some clinical characteristics of elderly diabetics were different from those of adult diabetics. We suggest that these findings should be considered at diagnosis and treatment of Elderly diabetics.
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Yonsei Authors
Lee, Hyun Chul(이현철)
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