A 12-year-old female with histiocytosis X accompanied by autoimmune hemolytic anemia. During the episode of hemolysis, the hemoglobin level fell to 5.2 g/dL. The direct antiglobulin test was weakly positive. The anti-C and anti-e were identified
serum. The Rh subgroup of her family (father, mother and brother) including the patient, were all same as Dce. The antibodies which showed anti-C and anti-e specificity were confirmed autoanti-Ce(non-separable) using the serum absorbed with various known Rh phenotyped RBCs. Two packed RBCs phenotyped as DcE were transfused for correction of anemia. A oute and delayed hemolytic transfusion reactions were not noted after transfusion. Identification of blood group specific autoantibodies may be benificial in such case for blood transfusion.