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종합병원 간호사의 간호전문직관, 간호근무환경과 환자안전활동 간의 관계

Other Titles
 Relationship among Nursing Professionalism, Nursing Work Environment, and Patient Safety Nursing Activities in General Hospital Nurses 
 이미애  ;  강선주  ;  현혜순 
 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration (간호행정학회지), Vol.25(4) : 317-328, 2019-09 
Journal Title
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration(간호행정학회지)
Issue Date
Nurse ; Nursing activities ; Patient safety ; Professionalism ; Work environment
Purpose : This study was done to identify the relationships among nursing professionalism, nursing work environment, and patient safety activities, and to analyze the factors influencing nurses’ patient safety nursing activities. Methods : This descriptive study included 270 nurses from six general hospitals. Questionnaires were used to collect data between August 20 and September 21, 2018, using questionnaires. Analyses included descriptive statistics, t-test, analysis of variance, Pearson correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression, conducted using IBM SPSS/WIN 21.0. Results : Mean scores on nursing professionalism, nursing work environment, and patient safety nursing activities were 3.51±0.41, 2.44±0.45, and 4.39±0.50, respectively. The patient safety nursing activities score was positively correlated with subscales of nursing professionalism variable: professional self-concept (r=.15, p=.019), social recognition (r=.10, p=.036), professional identity in nursing (r=.24, p<.001), role of nursing practice (r=.16, p=.012), nursing foundation for quality of care (r=.19, p=.003), and nurse manager’s ability (r=.14, p=.031). Patient safety nursing activities were influenced by professional identity in nursing (β=.22, p=.001) and nursing foundation for quality of care (β=.15, p=.001), which explained 8.0% of the variance. Conclusion : These results suggest that nurse managers should focus on creating an appropriate nursing environment and facilitating nursing professionalism to enhance hospital nurses’ patient safety nursing activities.
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Yonsei Authors
Kang, Sunjoo(강선주) ORCID logo
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