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복수전공 전형 자료의 타당도 및 신뢰도 분석

Other Titles
 Analysis of the Validity and Reliability about Double Major Data for Admission 
 Korean Journal of Medical Education (한국의학교육학회지), Vol.9(2) : 191-207, 1997 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Medical Education(한국의학교육학회지)
Issue Date
This study is related to analysis the validity and reliability of double major data for admission in college of medicine yonsei university. The 69 applicants and 37 of those who had been admitted were sampled and then the GPAs of previous major, the interview scores and the GPAs of medical college were used as sources of analysis. This study is estiamted descriptive statistics, concurrent-related evidence of validity between GPAs previous college and interview scores, predictive-related evidence of validity of GPAs of previous college and interview scores, inter-scorer reliability of interview scores. The results of this study are like this: First, all of 69 students applied and 37(53.6%) applicants were admitted. Eleven students who were admitted graduated bio-chemical department of the college of science. The percentile rank of learning achievement of successful candidates show 64.5~98.2(1995), 43.6~86.6(1996), 22.8~96.9(1997). Second, the result of the estimation of the concurrence-related evidence of validity appear 0.729(1994), 0.673(1995), 0.562(1996), 0.876(1997). Therefore the candidates who got high GPAs also took high interview scores. Third, the predictive-related evidence of validity show insignificant. Forth, generalizability of inter-scorer reliability about intervew scores appear 0.972(1994), 0.983(1995). To improve the validity and relibility double major data, interview skills and educational programs has to be reoriented.
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Yang, Eun Bae(양은배) ORCID logo
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