Object:The purpose of this study was to investigate frequency and risk factor of violence toward parents seen in adolescents. We also want to apply this data toward developing a prevention program for adolescent violence.
Method:A total of 1,345 students from 5 middle schools in Seoul, participated in this study:675 males, 670 females. We administered self-reporting questionnaire including violence toward parents, exposure to violence, family history of alcoholism, substance abuse of adolescetnt and dermographic data etc.
Result:The frequency of boys’ violence toward parent was 2.8%, which was significantly higher than girls’(p<0.001). The frequency of violence toward the father was higher than the mother. The risk factors for violence toward parents were sex, parental alcohol problem, adolescent alcoholsmoking-drug problem, exposure to violence at home in the last year and exposure to violence in the life(p<0.0001). The grade, punishment, socioeconomic status, educational level of parent were not significantly related to violence toward parents.
Conclusion:These suggest that adolescent violence toward parents is not rare problem any more and preventive intervention is needed for high-risk groups, that is related with experience domestic violence, substance abuse, alcoholic parent.