Purpose: Allergy to buckwheat flour is especially common in Korea compared to other countries. We carried out this study to compare the allergenicity of raw and hypoallergenic buckwheat flour(HABF) and to study the usefulness of HABF. Methods : HABF was prepared from raw buckwheat flour by the method of salting with 0.5M NaCl and crude extract was made from it. We carried out SDS-PAGE with the crude extracts. Results: The protein concentration of the crude extracts was 4 times higher in raw buckwheat flour than in HABF. Protein analysis of the HABF by SDS-PAGE revealed almost total disappearance of 12.5kD, 36kD, 43kD and other high molecular bands(5OkD, 60kD, etc.). In 6 patients with buckwheat flour allergy we carried out antigen-binding specific IgE detection, and most of the antigen bound to the raw buckwheat flour specific IgE in patients serum. With HABF, one patient with high RAST class showed antigen binding to the serum specific IgE. 12.5kD, 30kD and 50kD bands among proteins were frequently detected as antigen with serum IgE antibodies from buckwheat flour atopic children and not detected with HABF. Conclusions : Raw buckwheat flour and HABF had significant difference in allergenicity. The HABF was found to be useful as the elimination diet for many atopic children with buckwheat flour allergy.