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99mTc-DMSA 스캔에서 일측성으로 동위원소 섭취가 안되는 환아들에 대한 임상적 고찰

Other Titles
 Clinical Evaluation of Patients with Unilateral Non-functioning Kidney on $^{99m}Tc-DMSA$ scan 
 배현철  ;  김현영  ;  김병길  ;  한상원 
 Journal of the Korean Society of Pediatric Nephrology (대한소아신장학회지), Vol.1(1) : 31-37, 1997 
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Society of Pediatric Nephrology(대한소아신장학회지)
Issue Date
The DMSA scan is a useful radiologic study in diagnosis of morphologic and functional diseases of kidney. We evaluated the distribution of sex and age, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, combined diseases, treatment and prognosis of the 61 patients with non-functioning kidney(no isotope uptake or uptake below 5% in DMSA scan) who admitted in our hospital from 1980 to 1995. The proportion of patients under 1 year old age was 46%. Sex ratio was 1.4:1 with male predominance. Most diagnosis of non-functioning kidneys were congenital such as multicystic dysplastic kidney, hydronephrosis due to ureteropelvic junction obstruction, renal agenesis and renal hypoplasia. In order of frequency thirty one percent of them were previously detected on antenatal ultrasonogram. Treatment consisted of operation in 47.5%, mostly nephrectomy and 32.8% of patients were followed up at OPD base without definite treatment. The most common combined diseases was hydronephrosis, in 4patients who had both kidneys inveloved progressed to chronic renal failure, but the prognosis in most cases were good. It is important to evaluate renal diseases in perinatal periods, and we believe that highly sensitive diagnostic study contribute to early treatment plan and thus to good prognosis.
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