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개심술시 Aprotinin의 용량이 술후 출혈 및 수혈량에 미치는 영향

Other Titles
 Effects of Three Different Regimens of Aprotinin Dosage on Blood Loss During Open Heart Surgery 
 홍용우  ;  곽영란  ;  방서욱  ;  유은숙  ;  이춘수  ;  정금희 
 Journal of Korean Society of Anesthesiologist (대한마취과학회지), Vol.32(2) : 244-251, 1997 
Journal Title
Journal of Korean Society of Anesthesiologist(대한마취과학회지)
Issue Date
Surgery cardiac ; Pharmacology aprotinin
With IRB approval 61 patients undergoing cardiac operation were divided into four groups. Group I was control (n=15). Group II(high dose aprotinin, n=16) received an infusion of 24,000 KIU/kg of aprotinin followed by continous infusion of 6,000 KIU/kg per hour until the end of operation. A bolus of 24,000 KIU/kg was added to pump prime solution. Group III(low dose aprotinin, n=16) received a bolus of 24,000 KIU/kg to prime solution. Group IV(minimal dose aprotinin, n=14) received a bolus of 12,000 KIU/kg to prime solution. Coagulation profiles were analysed and blood loss through chest tubes & amount of homologous transfusion was measured. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way variance analysis.
Group II demonstrated less amount of blood loss than group I with statistical significance. Blood loss in group III was reduced about 20% but the reduction was not statistically significant. Group IV could not reduce the blood loss.
This study shows the efficacy of high and low dose(not statistically significant) aprotinin infusion during cardiac surgery in postoperative blood loss. Use of aprotinin less than low dose regimen may not be effective in reducing the blood loss and amount of homologous transfusion in cardiac operation.
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Kwak, Young Lan(곽영란) ORCID logo
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