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원발성 이하선 편평상피세포암종

Other Titles
 Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Parotid Gland 
 이상욱  ;  김귀언  ;  박정수  ;  박원  ;  이창걸  ;  금기창  ;  임지훈  ;  양우익  ;  서창욱 
 Korean Journal of Head and Neck Oncology (대한두경부종양학술지), Vol.13(2) : 228-234, 1997 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Head and Neck Oncology(대한두경부종양학술지)
Issue Date
Squamous cell carcinoma originating in the parotid gland has rare occurrence. The primary squamous cell carcinoma of the parotid gland comprise about 0.3% and 9.8% of all parotid malignant tumor. We investigated the clinical behavior and treatment outcome of patients with primary squamous cell carcinoma of the parotid gland. We reviewed all cases of possible primary squamous cell carcinoma of the parotid gland treated at Yonsei Cancer Center, Seoul, Korea, from 1981 through 1995. A total of 128 had primary parotid malignancy. Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma and mucoepidermoid carcinoma were excluded in this study. Ten cases of primary squamous cell carcinoma of the parotid gland were identified. 6 cases of them are men & 4 cases are women. The age of patients ranged from 31 to 68 years with median age of 55 years. On physical examination, 5 cases had palpated cervical neck node and 6 cases had facial nerve palsy. Staging was done according to the current guidelines established by the American Joint Committee on Cancer (1992). Two cases were stage I, 1 in stage III, and 7 in stage IV. Six cases were performed operation and postoperative radiation therapy. Four cases were treated by curative radiation therapy, dose of more than 65 Gy on parotid gland region. The 5 year actual survival rate and the 5 year disease free survival rate were 30.8%, and 40.0%. Initial complete response rate was 70% for all patients. Local failure were occurred 3 of 7 patients with local controlled cases, failure sites were primary site, ipsilateral cervical neck node, contralateral supraclavicular node. Most recurrences developed within 1 year of initial treatment. Distant metastasis was appeared 2 of 3 patients who did not achieved local control. Primary squamous cell carcinoma of the parotid gland occured infrequently. A retrospective study at the Yonsei Cancer Center indicates incidence of 7.8%. At diagnosis, advanced stage, neck node presentation, facial nerve paralysis were associated with a poor prognosis. These results may suggested that radical surgical excision may be treatment of choice and that planned postoperative radiotherapy may be bendicial for reducing locoregional recurrence rates.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Radiation Oncology (방사선종양학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Keum, Ki Chang(금기창) ORCID logo
Lee, Chang Geol(이창걸) ORCID logo
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