Multiple wedge fractures of vertebral body frequent manifestation of the osteoporosis. But half of such fractures may be asymptomatic, and there is frequent disagreement about whether a fracture is present in mild cases. The difficulties in deciding whether a vertebra is indeed fractured result from variations in shape from one vertebra to another and also between individuals. The definition of the osteoporotic vertbral fracture should be based on normal data from specific population. So we measured specific vertbral dimensions and deformity ratio. Plain thoracic and lumbar radiographs of 60 healthy Korean women (age range 30-60 years) were reviewed. Anterior, mid, posterior height of each vertebra and normalized anterior, mid, posterior height of each vertebra (actual height divided by 4th thoracic vertebral body height) were measured. Wedge compression ratio, biconcavity ratio and crush ratio of each verteba were also calculated. From measured deta, we present definition of osteoporotic vertebral fracture in radiographic morphometry.