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흰쥐 포르말린 테스트에서 Clomipramine의 진통효과

Other Titles
 Analgesic Effect of Clomipramine in Rat Formalin Test 
 심연희  ;  이윤우  ;  윤덕미  ;  최재찬  ;  남용택 
 Journal of the Korean Pain Research Society (통증), Vol.8(1) : 38-44, 1998 
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Pain Research Society(통증)
Issue Date
Background : Tricyclic antidepressants have been widely used in the treatment of chronic and acute pain conditions. The antinociceptive effect of tricyclic antidepressants results from the activation of noradrenergic and serotonergic pathways. But the effect of clomipramine on inflammatory hyperalgesia is not well blown. So we investigated the analgesic effect of acute and chronic clomipramine treatment on the formalin test.
Methods : Thirty rats were divided into six groups. Normal saline and clomipramine were administered subcutaneously once (Group 1 & 2), daily 4 times (Group 3 & 4) & daily 8 times (Group 5 & 6). Thirty minute after the last administration of clomipramine, 10% formalin 50 μl was injected on the dorsum of right paw. Pain
behaviors of rats were investigated by scoring 1; (clinching, 2; sustained elevation, 3; licking, biting, shaking.
Results : Acute clomipramine treatment produced not significantly different pain behavior from saline in phase Ⅰ and Ⅱ. Chronic clomipramine treatment showed time dependent depression of pain behavior in phase Ⅱ, but not in phase Ⅰ.
Conclusions : Clomipramine produced weak effect on acute pain but inflammatory hyperalgesia evoked by central sensitization might be modulated by chronic
administration of clomipramine.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (마취통증의학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Lee, Youn Woo(이윤우)
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