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한국 한 농촌지역의 노인성 인지기능 장애 및 우울증상 역학조사

Other Titles
 Epidemiologic Study of Cognitive Impairment and Depressive Symptoms of the Elderly in a Korean Rural Community 
 오병훈  ;  김현수  ;  김정훈  ;  조항석  ;  조경혜  ;  조현상  ;  유계준 
 Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry (노인정신의학), Vol.2(1) : 176-186, 1998 
Journal Title
Journal of Korean Geriatric Psychiatry(노인정신의학)
Issue Date
Objective : Elderly Dementia and depression are major neuropsychiatric disorders. Epidemiologic study considered essential part to evaluate and treatment guideline for community mental health. Method : The cross-sectional study evaluates the dementia and depression of community- living elderly, over 65 older in a Korean rural community. Mini-Mental State Examination- Korean (MMSE-K) and Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) was conducted. Results : The prevalence of dementia is 14.0% below the 17 of MMSE-K score. Cognitive function decline is increasing with age. The prevalence of dementia in female elderly is higher than that in male with statistical significance (p<.001). The prevalence of depression is 10% among elderly population. Female elderly have higher frequency than male with statistical significance. Conclusion : Elderly dementia and depression is very important neuropsychiatric disorders. MMSE-K and GDS-K is useful instruments for evaluation of elderly dementia and depression. Age and sex are important factors for dementia and depression. More developed instruments for accurate detection and differentiation of dementia and depression are need for mental health program to manage effectively them.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Psychiatry (정신과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Oh, Byong Hoon(오병훈)
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