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전신성 홍반성 낭창과 동반된 시신경염 1예

Other Titles
 A Case of Optic Neuritis in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 
 서정훈  ;  신석균  ;  이루다  ;  고원기  ;  노현진  ;  강신욱  ;  김순현  ;  이호영  ;  한대석  ;  최규헌  ;  한대식 
 Korean Journal of Medicine (대한내과학회지), Vol.55(5) : 982-987, 1998 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Medicine(대한내과학회지)
Issue Date
Systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE) is a disease of unknown etiology in which tissues and cells are damaged by pathogenic autoantibodies and immune complexes. Optic neuritis in SLE is very rare and the prevalence can be estimated to be approximately 1% of the patients of SLE. The main pathogenesis of optic neuritis with SLE is that of a vaso-occlusive disease in small vessels and the histopathologic appearance has varied from demyelination to definite vascular disease with axonal necrosis. The visual outcome of optic neuritis in SLE has often been poor. The treatments of optic neuritis in SLE are intravenous methylprednisolone, immunosuppressive agents and plasmapheresis. The authors experienced a case of lupus nephritis and CNS lupus which was complicated by optic neuritis in 18-year-old female patient who complained of sudden visual disturbance of the both eyes After treatment with plasmapheresis and systemic corticosteroid, her visual deficit was gradually recovered.
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