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소세포폐암의 수술 성적

Other Titles
 Surgical Resection of Small Cell Lung Cancer(SCLC) 
 정경영  ;  홍기표  ;  김길동  ;  김대준  ;  김주항 
 Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (대한흉부외과학회지), Vol.31(12) : 1195-1199, 1998 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery(대한흉부외과학회지)
Issue Date
Background: Thr role and indication of surgery in the treatment of small cell lung cancer(SCLC) is currently limited and unsettled. Material and Method: We analyzed the surgical results of 9 patients with SCLC at Yosei Medical Center from January 1990 to December 1996. There were 8 males and 1 female, and their mean age was 57.2 years (range; 35-76). Preoperatively SCLC was confirmed in 5, but the other 4 cases were diagnosed as undifferentiated squamous cell carcinoma. All patients underwent pulmoinary resection(lobectomy;5, lobectomy, segmentectomy and en-bloc resection of rib;1, bilobectomy; 2, pneumonectomy;1) and mediastinal lymph node dissection. Results: There were no operative mortality with two complications(postoperative bleeding;1, arrhythmia;1). All cases were diagnosed as SCLC histologically and their TNM staging were confirmed as follows: T1N0M0;1, T2N0M0;4, T3N0M0;1, T3N1M0;1, T2N2M0; 1, T4N0M0;1. All patients had received postoperative chemotherapy, and radiotherapy was combined in 4 patients. During follow up period(range 1-63 months; mean 33.0months), there was only one metastasis to pelvic bone among 8 patients without lymph node metastasis, and all patients were alive. On the other hand, among 3 patients who had regional and/or mediastinal lymph node metastasis or T4 lesion, all patients had recurrences(local;2, brain;1), and 2 patients died. Conclusion: We suggest that the use of TNM staging is beneficial, and surgical resection should be recommended in the patients with early staged SCLC as an important treatment modality.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (흉부외과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Dae Joon(김대준)
Kim, Joo Hang(김주항)
Chung, Kyung Young(정경영)
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