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돼지 관상동맥 스텐트 재협착 모형에서 MAC(脈:Maximum Arterial Re-Creation)Stent와 Palmaz Stent의 비교

Other Titles
 Comparison of Porcine Corinary Stent Restenosis between MAC (Maximum Arterial Re-Creation)and Palmaz-Schatz Stent 
 배열  ;  정명호  ;  장양수  ;  차광수  ;  박종철  ;  서정평  ;  안영근  ;  박주형  ;  조정관  ;  박종춘  ;  강정채  ;  박옥규 
 Korean Circulation Journal (순환기), Vol.28(1) : 89-96, 1998 
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Background : Coronary scents are effective in the treatment of acute complications after angioplasty and the prevention of restenosis. However, complications may arise posttreatment, the major cinical problems are stent thrombosis and restenosis. All coronary stents are imported from western countries and are not covered by medical insurance in Korea. Korean stents should be developed to reduce patients economic burden.
Methods : We placed five Maximum Arterial Re-Creation(MAC) and five Palmaz-Schatz(PS) scents in ten porcine coronary arteries. Stent and artery diameter ratio was 1.3 : 1.0. Follow-up coronary angiogram and histopathologic examinations were performed four weeks after stent overdilation injury.
Results : All of the stented arteries were patent on follow-up coronary angiograms. Angiographic diameter stenosis was 23.1±9.2% in MAC stents and 18.5±12.3% inPS stents and pathologic area stenosis 35.6±11.4% in MAC stent and 39.8±9.9% in PS stent at 4 weeks after stenting, which were not different between two stents. Maximal intimal thickness(0.28±0. 12 vs. 0.36±0.17mm) and neointimal area(1.83±L01mm2 vs. 1.50±0.65mm2) were not different between MAC and and PS stent.
Condusion : MAC stents are as effective as PS stents in the prevention of stent restenosis in a porcine stent restenosis model.
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