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관상동맥 MAC 스텐트의 임상경험

Other Titles
 Clinical Experiences of Coronary MAC (Maximum Arterial Re-Creation) Stern 
 김성희  ;  정명호  ;  장양수  ;  배열  ;  김준우  ;  조장현  ;  김남호 
 Korean Circulation Journal (순환기), Vol.28(10) : 1700-1706, 1998 
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Background and Objectives : We previously reported the effects of MAC (Maximum Arterial Re-Creation) stent on stent restenosis in a porcine model. The clinical trial was performed in patients with ischemic heart disease after MAC stent implantation. Materials and Method We analyzed the clinical and angiographic results in 20 patients in 22 lesions (15 M, 5 F, 59 11 year), who underwent MAC stent at Chonnam University Hospital between Nov ´97 and Aug ´98. Clinical diagnosis was 13 unstable angina (696), 6 acute myocardial infarction (30%) and 1 old myocardial infarction (5%). Results : Indications for stent were 3 de novo lesion (13.6%), 7 restenosis (31.8916), 8 suboptimal angioplasty result (36,4916) and 4 bail-out procedure (18.2%). Target stented coronary arteries were 15 left anterior descending coronary arteries (67.3%), 2 left circumflex coronary arteries (9. 1%) and 5 right coronary arteries (22.7916). Morphologic types were 13 type B1(59.1%), 5 B2 (22.756) and 4 C (18. 2%). Minimal luminal diameter (MLD) before stent was 0.750.35 mm and percent diameter stenosis (DS) was 7511.5%, which were improved 2.970.28 mm in MLD and 2.795.4% in DS after stent. MAC stent was placed successfully in all patients and one case of acute stent thrombosis was improved after ReoPro infusion. Mean follow-up period was 5.23.2 months and 100 % event-free survival was observed in all patients. Follow-up coronary angiography was performed in 5 patients and showed no stent restenosis. Conclusion : The MAC stent is one of effective and safe devices in the treatment of coronary artery diseases without significant complications and target vessel revascularization.
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