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간경변증에서 섬유화 정도에 따른 Ito 세포 활성과 간세포 증식능의 변화

Other Titles
 Ito Cell Activity and Hepatocyte Proliferation Activity According to Collagen Content in Liver Cirrhosis 
 장기택  ;  정영미  ;  임인경  ;  이윤실  ;  명난경  ;  김미란  ;  이민재  ;  장자준 
 Korean Journal of Hepatology (대한간학회지), Vol.4(3) : 254-263, 1998 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Hepatology(대한간학회지)
Issue Date
Background/ Aims : Liver cirrhosis is an end-stage liver disease. Ito cell is known to have central role in fibrogenes is of liver cirrhosis. But collagen content and Ito cell activity in liver cirr hosis have received little attention. So Ito cell activity and hepatocyte proliferation activity according to collagen content was investigated. WAF-1 and c- met were studied to evaluate the effect of cell cycle. Methods : We analyzed 56 cases of liver cirrhosis ( viral:41, biliary:11, alcoholic:2, Wilson' s disease:2). Collagen content was measured by spectrophot ometry. Ito cell activity and prolifer ation index was measured by - SMA and Ki- 67 immunohistochemistry. Results : In viral cirrhosis , high collagen group showed increased Ito cell activity compared to low collagen group. There was no difference in hepatocyte prolifer ation activity bet ween high and low collagen group in viral cirrhosis . In biliary cirrhos is , high collagen group showed increased Ito cell activity in septal zones compared to low collagen group. WAF- 1and c- met were negative in most of cases. Conclusion : Collagen content of liver cirrhosis is closely related to increment of activated Ito cells . Ito cell activity was prominent in septal zones than in parenchymal areas of viral cirrhosis and that was only significant in septal zones of biliary cirrhosis. There is no correlation bet ween collagen content and hepatocyte proliferation activity.
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