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말초동맥 폐쇄질환에 대한 외과적 고찰

Other Titles
 Surgical Treatment of Peripheral Artery Occlusive Disease 
 김해균  ;  윤용한  ;  이두연  ;  문동석  ;  이택연  ;  홍윤주 
 Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (대한흉부외과학회지), Vol.31(3) : 262-265, 1998 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery(대한흉부외과학회지)
Issue Date
A retrospective analysis was performed on the 72 cases of peripheral artery occlusive disease treated at Yonsei Medical School Yongdong Severance Hospital, from March 1, 1990, through July 31, 1992, focusing on the operative procedures, surgical results and perioperative complications. The etiologic causes of vascular obstruction were atherosclerosis in 28 cases, Buerger's disease in 31, traumatic orgin in 7, operative complications in 4, and malignancy and arteritis in one case each. Treatment modalities, actually performed include bypass graft.(27), infusion of PGE1 (23), Embolectomy (16), Sympathectomy (4) and end-to-end anastomosis (2). There were 21 satisfactory cases and 9 unsatisfactory cases of atherosclerotive occlusive disease, defining the operative outcome as“satisfactory”if the obstructive symptoms disappeared completely and “unsatisfactory”if they did not. The patients of TAO induced Buerger's disease with preoperative Foutain class III or IV were surgically converted to class 0 in 14 cases, class I in 12 and class II in 3.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (흉부외과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Lee, Doo Yun(이두연)
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