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한국어판 일상적 스트레스 평가서의 신뢰도 및 타당도

Other Titles
 A Reliability and Validity of Korean Version of Daily Stress Inventory 
 김재진  ;  신철진  ;  정인원 
 Journal of the Korean Neuropsychiatric Association (신경정신의학), Vol.37(2) : 295-305, 1998 
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Neuropsychiatric Association(신경정신의학)
Issue Date
Objectives : To develope Korean version of Daily Stress Inventory(DSI) designed to assess prospectively the sources and magnitude of minor stressful events, the authors translated it into Korean and examined its reliability and validity. Methods : The translated DSI was distributed to 200 collegians and 150 clericals. In order to test the validity, the previously qualified 'Major Life Event(MLE)' questionnaire was given concurrently. The materials were collected fiom 120 persons, and were analyzed by application of simple statistics of DSI scores, Wilcoxon's rank-sum test for differences of those according to demographic valiables, internal consistency for reliability, and Spearma's correlation coefficient for concurrent validity. Results : 1) The distributions of scores of daily event, daily impact, weekly event and weekly impact were all showed as having a positive skew. But the distributions of daily and weekly 1/E ratio were approximately normal. 2) All daily and weekly DSI scores showed no significant differences by sex. There were significant differences in daily or weekly event and impact scores but insignificant differences in daily or weekly 1/E ratio according to age and education level. By occupation, all daily and weekly DSI scores except daily 1/E ratio showed significant differences. 3) Daily and weekly DSI scores were significantly higher in collegians than in clericals, and the cluster, showing the most marked difference between the two group was 'personal competency'. 4) In the reliability test by internal consistency, the Cronbach's alpha coeffecients of the event score and the impact score were repectively 0.98 and 0.97. 5) In the concurrent validity between DSI and MLE, DSI scores were more highly correlated with negative life events with positive life events. Conclusions : With the above results, the authors concluded that Korean version of DSI was a reliable and valid tool for assessing minor stress experienced frequently in daily life level. But its scores should be interpreted differently according to collegian or not.
Appears in Collections:
1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Psychiatry (정신과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Jae Jin(김재진) ORCID logo
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