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아토피 피부염 환자에서 집먼지진드기 항원에 대한 피부첩포시험 성적과 세포유착분자의 발현

Other Titles
 Expression of cell adhesion molecules on positive reaction site of patch test with Dermatophagoides farinae in atopic dermatitis patients 
 최진길  ;  최현주  ;  김수민  ;  이광훈 
 Journal of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology (천식 및 알레르기), Vol.18(3) : 483-493, 1998 
Journal Title
Journal of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology(천식 및 알레르기)
Issue Date
Background: The pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis is still unknown, but house dust mites are thought to be playing an impor tant role in the development of skin lesions. Atopic dermatitis shows an immediate react,ion to mite allergens in skin prick test, postive IgE-FAST for mite antigens, and higer serum levels of mite-specific IgG4, IgE and IgE immune complexes. This immediate antigen-IgE-initiated reaction, however, is not clinically and histologically relevant to typical skin lesion, eczematization. Objective .' We tried to show that atopic skin lesions can clinically be induced by the type 1V hypersensitivity to house dust mites and evaluate the histological features of the eczematous skin lesions. Methods '. We investigated patch test reaction t,o Dermatophagoides farinae and the changes of expression of intercellular adhesion molecule 1(ICAM 1), vascular cellular adhesion molecule 1(VCAM 1), and E selectin on vascular endothelial cells in skin biopsies obtained from positive patch sites. Results '. Positive rate is 41%. The patch test has a good correlation with asthma predisposition. In the positive reaction sites, the expression of ICAM 1 is markedly increased, and those of VCAM 1 and E selectin are induced on the vascular endothelial cells. Conclusion: D. farinae patch testing represents a diagnostic method besides prick testing in mite induced eczematous dermatitis but better standardization is necessary. D. farinae can activate the endothelial cells and enhance the expression of adhesion molecules, so allergic contact sensitivity to mite allergen is playing an important role in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Dermatology (피부과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Lee, Kwang Hoon(이광훈)
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