Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of Tc-99m labeled antigranulocyte antibody immunoscintigrapy in the diagnosis of osteomyelitis and compare with the results of triphasic bone scan. Materials and Methods: The study population was 39 patients (22 male, 17 female) who had uncertain diagnoses of osteomyelitis. Fifteen patients had history of orthopedic surgery, and 5 had previous fracture. One milligram of monoclonal antibody against NCA-95 was labeled with 370 MBq of Tc-99m, injected intravenously, and 4 hour images were obtained. Triphasic bone scan images were obtained in 30 patients. The final diagnosis was confirmed by bacteriologic culture, biopsy or long term clinical follow up. Results: Twenty one patients were confirmed to have osteomyelitis (1 acute, 20 chronic). Eighteen patients were without osteomyelitis. Antigranulocyte antibody immunoscintigraphy had a sensitivity of 71% (15/21), and a specificity of 89% (16/18), while the sensitivity and specificity of triphasic bone scan was 93% (13/14) and 38% (6/16), respectively. Antigranulocyte antibody scan showed higher specificity of 100% (11/11) in comparison with 33% (3/9) of triphasic bone scan in patients with history of orthopedic surgery or fracture. Conclusion: Antigranulocyte antibody immunoscintigraphy is more specific than that of triphasic bone scan and may be helpful in patients with history of surgery or fracture. However, sensitivity is lower than triphasic bone scan in the detection of chronic osteomyelitis.