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요추 경막외 스테로이드 주사후 발생한 섬유성 종괴: 증례 보고

Other Titles
 Fibrous Mass Complicating Epidural Steroid and Local Anesthetic Injection : A Case Report 
 김학선  ;  석경수  ;  김남현  ;  김기덕  ;  이환모 
 Journal of Korean Society of Spine Surgery (대한척추외과학회지), Vol.6(3) : 464-467, 1999 
Journal Title
Journal of Korean Society of Spine Surgery(대한척추외과학회지)
Issue Date
Nerve root compression ; Fibrous mass ; Complication ; Epidural steroid injection
The use of epidural injection of local anesthetics with steroid for the treatment of back pain and sciatica is a widely used procedure. There have been several reports about spinal cord compression by granuloma or fibrous mass related to intrathecal or epidural morphine injection. There have been also some reports about arachnoiditis after epidural injection of steroid. However, there have been no reports regarding dural sac or nerve root compression by fibrous mass after epidural steroid injections. We would report a case of dural sac and nerve root compression secondary to the formation of fibrous mass in the lumbar epidural space after epidural steroid and local anesthetic injections. In this case, the characteristic radiologic findings before and after epidural injection therapy and clinical progress were documented.
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Yonsei Authors
Kim, Hak Sun(김학선) ORCID logo
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