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절제가능한 직장암의 수술전 방사선치료

Other Titles
 Preoperative Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy for Locally Advanced and Unresectable Rectal Cancer 
 Journal of the Korean Society for Hyperthermia and Oncology (대한온열종양학회지), Vol.4(2) : 71-79, 1999 
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Society for Hyperthermia and Oncology(대한온열종양학회지)
Issue Date
Purpose : This is a Phase Ⅰ/Ⅱ study of preoperative concurrent radiation and
chemotherapy in tethered and fixed rectal carcinoma. This study examined the tumor
response, the curative resectability, the toxicities related with chemoradiotherapy.
Methods and Materials : Between 1995 and 1998, 37 patients with tethered and fixed
rectal carcinoma were entered into the study. Patients were treated with pelvic
radiotherapy (45 Gy in 25 fraction) and concurrent chemotherapy (5-FU 350-450㎎
/m2 Ⅳ bolus x 5 days, Leucovorin 30 ㎎ Ⅳ x 5 days) on the first and
the fourth week of radiotherapy. This was followed by surgery 4 to 6 weeks later.
Results : Six patients did not finish the chemoradiotherapy due to patient's lack of
cooperation in 3, progressive disease requiring emergency surgery in 1, who later was
treated with palliative radiotherapy alone, and occurrence of lung metastasis in 1, who
subsequently was treated with chemotherapy alone. Thirty-one of 37 patients completed
the whole course of chemoradiotherapy and surgical resection. Curative resection with
negative margin was done in 29 of 31 patients (94%). Clinical complete response and
pathological complete response were seen in 7 (23%) and 2 (6%) patients, respectively.
Down-staging was seen in 22 (71%). For treatment related toxicity, grade Ⅲ and Ⅳ
leukopenia were seen in 3 and 2 patients, respectively.
Conclusion : Preoperative concurrent chemoradiotherapy could achieve down-staging
and a curative resection rate of 94% in locally advanced rectal cancer. Toxicity was
minimal. Further study will be continued to investigate the efficacy of this treatment in
terms of survival.
Appears in Collections:
1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Radiation Oncology (방사선종양학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Seong, Jin Sil(성진실) ORCID logo
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