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Exogenous pentraxin-3 inhibits the reactive oxygen species-mitochondrial and apoptosis pathway in acute kidney injury

Other Titles
 급성신장손상을 유발한 실험 모델에서 exogenous recombinant PTX-3의 조절이 손상된 세포의 회복에 미치는 영향 
 Graduate School, Yonsei University 
 Dept. of Medicine 
Issue Date
Purpose: Pextraxin-3 (PTX3) is a long pentraxin group and has been studied for
inflammatory diseases and various organs. We found that PTX3 has a positive
effect on PTX3 in proliferating kidney cell proliferation during ischemia and
proinflammatory acute kidney injury (AKI). The aim of this study was to develop
an experimental model of AKI in vitro and to analyze the protective mechanism
of exogenous recombinant PTX3.
Materials and Methods: We used HK-2 which was a renal tubular cell line.
Calcium ionophores (A23187) induced injury by increasing intracellular calcium
concentration and exogenous recombinant PTX3, was treated on the injured cells. Also, we confirmed the expression of caspase-3 and PARP which are involved in
intracellular ROS and apoptosis.
Results: Fluorescence microscopy revealed a significant increase in the influx
of intracellular calcium due to A23187, resulting in renal cell damage, and
increased calpain activity. After that, the activity of ROS rapidly increased after
treatment with A23187 and decreased after treatment with exogenous
recombinant PTX3. The activity of caspase-3 and PARP decreased after treatment
with exogenous recombinant PTX3.
Conclusion: PTX3 reduces ROS and calpain activity and stabilizes
mitochondrial membrane potential. Also, PTX3 reduces apoptosis by decreasing
caspase-3 and PARP. As a result, PTX3 blocks ROS, Calpain activity,
mitochondria and apoptosis pathway, and consequently protects renal tubular
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Urology (비뇨의학교실) > 2. Thesis
Yonsei Authors
Lee, Hyung Ho(이형호)
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