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중환자 보호자의 불안 감소를 위한단회기 노래중심 음악치료 적용 예비연구

Other Titles
 Pilot Study of Single Session Song-Based Music Therapy for DecreasingICU Caregiver Anxiety 
 정유선  ;  나성원 
 Journal of Music and Human Behavior (인간행동과 음악연구), Vol.16(1) : 25-46, 2019 
Journal Title
Journal of Music and Human Behavior(인간행동과 음악연구)
Issue Date
ICU caregiver ; anxiety ; single session ; song-based music therapy ; case study
This pilot study involved a single session of song-based music therapy to relieve the anxiety of intensive care unit (ICU) caregivers. Six caregivers of ICU patients participated in the intervention session individually. During the initial stage of the intervention, the participants’ current emotional states were identified. Then they listened to familiar songs and playing a tone chime, which was intended to help them relax their body and reduce their psychological resistance. During singing experiences as an essential part of the intervention, the participants discussed the lyrics of songs in an attempt to find the meaning related to them. Also, they sang the songs with a live accompaniment in which their emotional states were reflected with changes in musical elements (e.g., tempo, dynamics, rhythm, or chords). In the final stage, they identified personal application to their everyday lives. To analyze the results, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and a visual analog scale on emotional states were completed by participants before and after the session, and participants’ verbal responses during the session were also recorded. According to the results, STAI anxiety scores significantly declined following the session. Also, they showed significant increases in positive emotions and significant decreases in negative emotions. This suggests that short-term music therapy can be an effective intervention for relieving the psychological distress of ICU caregivers.
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Yonsei Authors
Na, Sungwon(나성원) ORCID logo
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