Background: Surgery has been considered the most effective and standard treatment modality in non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC). However in stage IIIA lung cancer, the role of surgery is still controversial. To evaluate the role of surgery for stage IIIA NSCLC, we investigated the survival after surgery and the prognostic factors.
Material and Method: We evaluated 158 consecutive cases of stage IIIA NSCLC patients operated on between 1990 and 1996. There were 130 male patients and 28 female patients, and the mean age was 58.5 years. All patients except one underwent lung resection beyond lobectomy and extended mediastinal dissection. Postoperative adjuvant therapy were undertaken in 145(94.8%) patients. All patients(153) were followed and the mean follow-up period was 21.4months.
Result: Twenty nine cases of the postoperative complications developed in 25 patients (15.8%). There were 5 operative mortality cases(3.2%) and the main cause of death was acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Local or distant recurrences developed in 84 patients(54.9%). The 5-year survival of 153 patients was 29.6% and the median survival time was 18.0 months. The 5-year survival of non N2 disease group(36.8%) was better than that of N2 disease group(26.6%)(p=0.35) and the 5-year survival of squamous cell carcinoma (38.1%) was better than that of adenocarcinoma(25.7%)(p=0.39) however there were no significant differences. Regarding the postoperative adjuvant therapy, in combined therapy group(84 patients), radiotherapy group(37 patients) and chemotherapy group(24 patients), the 5-year survival were 31.3%, 32.4%, and 14.6% respectively. There was no difference of survival between radiotherapy and combined therapy group(p=0.31), however the survival of the combined therapy group was better than the chemotherapy group(p=0.005). The survival of the complete resection group(31.9%) was better than the incomplete resection group(16.6%) however there was no significant difference(p=0.19).
Conclusion: These observations indicate that the good 5-year survival(29.6%) in patients with stage IIIA NSCLC result from the agressive surgical treatment including extensive mediastinal nodes dissection.