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소아 및 항문직장기형 환자의 천골비

Other Titles
 Sacral Ratio in Normal Children and Patients with Anorectal Malformations 
 오정탁  ;  김희진  ;  손석우  ;  한애리  ;  한석주  ;  최승훈  ;  황의호 
 Journal of the Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons (소아외과), Vol.6(1) : 32-39, 2000 
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons(소아외과)
Issue Date
Sacral anomaly ; Anorectal malformation ; Sacral ratio
Evaluation of the sacrum in anorectal malformations (ARMs) is important because there is an association between sacral abnormalities and poor functional outcome after corrective surgery for ARM. Sacral defects are not easily detected because of immaturity of sacrum in children and defects are often overlooked by pediatric surgeons. The authors utilized the sacral ratio in normal children (N=61) and patients with ARMs (N=26). In normal children, the mean true sacral ratio and mean sacrococcygeal ratio were 0.60±0.08 and 0.72±0.13 respectively. The sacral ratio was not correlated with age and did not changed with age in the same patient. However, true sacral ratio and sacrococcygeal ratio were significantly lower in patients with high type ARMs than those of normal children (p
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Yonsei Authors
Oh, Jung Tak(오정탁)
Choi, Seung Hoon(최승훈)
Han, Seok Joo(한석주) ORCID logo
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