Pelvic organ prolapse ; Finger extension angle ; Joing hypermobility
Objective: The pelvic organ prolapse is a downward or forward displacement of one of the pelvic organs from it's normal location, including the reproductive organ, bladder, rectum or small intestine. The pathophysiology of pelvic organ prolapse is strength abnormality of pelvic supporting system, composed of fascia, ligament and tendon, of which component is collagen fiber. Several papers report metabolic abnormality of collagen fiber in pelvic organ prolapse patients. The purpose of current study was to evaluate the relationship of pelvic organ prolapse in korean women and joint hypermobility that suggests metabolic abnormality of collagen fiber, clinically. Method: We revieved fifty five cases of pelvic organ prolapse patients. We checked finger extension angle that represent joint hypermobility, in patient with pelvic organ prolapse who treated at the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Severance hospital, Yonsei university from March 1998, to March 2000. The statistical significance of observed difference was calculate using X2 and T-test. P-value<0.05 was considered significant. Result: The age group was devided into two group, 40-59 years old age group and older than 60 years old. We compared pelvic organ prolapse group and normal group, and with stage of pelvic organ prolapse group in finger extension angle. The result revealed that average finger extension angle was higher in pelvic organ prolapse group than normal group in 40-59 years old age but in older age group, no significant difference in statistically. And there was no significant difference in the stage of pelvic organ prolapse group.
Conclusion: The finger extension angle was related to the development of pelvic organ prolapse in 40-59 years old age group but in the older than 60 years old age group, no specific relationship. And also there was no specific significant relationship according to POP-Q stage. The proportion of joint hypermobility group was no significant difference between pelvic organ prolapse group and control group. It seems to be that abnormality of connective tissue may berelated to development of pelvic organ prolapse but not related to severity of pelvic organ prolapse. If we desire to solve this question, we need adequate number of pelvic organ prolapse patients evaluation and further study should be necessary.