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진찰시 환자 자세가 요도 운동성 측정에 미치는 영향

Other Titles
 Effect of Patient Position on measurement of Urethral mobility 
 배상욱  ;  김성훈  ;  김정연  ;  김세광  ;  조동제  ;  김재욱  ;  송찬호  ;  박기현 
 Korean Journal of Urogynecology (대한비뇨부인과학회지), Vol.2(1) : 64-67, 2000 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Urogynecology(대한비뇨부인과학회지)
Issue Date
Q-tip test ; Q-tip test ; Supine and Sitting position
Objective: To determine the effect of patient position on mobility of female urethrovesical junction. Methods: Total fifty patients who visited urgynecology clinic were enrolled in this study. We compared maximal strain Q-tip angle with resting Q-tip angle in supine and sitting position. Also compared proportion of positive Q-tip test between supine and sitting position. Wilcoxon singed-rank test and McNemar test were used to compare the results.
Results: Maximal strainging Q-tip angle in supine position was significantly greater than sitting position(p<0.05) and difference of Q-tip was also greater in supine position than sitting position(p<0.05). Thirty patients had a positive Q-tip test in supine position(70%) but only twenty-one patients had a positive Q-tip test in sitting position(60%). Conclusion: The patient position had a great effect on the mobility of urethrovesical junction especially in supine position than sitting position. Because the mobility of urethrovesical junction has a great role in to select an appropriate surgery, our results has great implications for the evaluation of patients with stress urinary incontinence.
Appears in Collections:
1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology (산부인과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Sei Kwang(김세광)
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