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무증상 한국인에서 H. pylori감염의 위험인자

Other Titles
 Risk factors of Helicobacter pylori infection in asymptomatic Korean population 
 김나영  ;  김재규  ;  김진호  ;  김학양  ;  김상우  ;  김재준  ;  노임환  ;  심재건  ;  안형식  ;  윤병철  ;  이상우  ;  이용찬  ;  정인식  ;  정훈용  ;  홍원선  ;  최규완 
 Korean Journal of Medicine (대한내과학회지), Vol.59(4) : 376-387, 2000 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Medicine(대한내과학회지)
Issue Date
Helicobacter pylori ; Epidemiology ; Risk factors ; Korea
Background : The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection varies between countries and between social classes. The aim of this study was to identify risk factors for with Helicobacter pylori infection in asymptomatic Korean population.
Methods : Sera were collected from 2,687 females and 3,049 males (mean age, 29.1 y; range, 1 m- 79 y) in Korea from Mar 1998 through Oct 1998. All asymptomatic subjects completed assessment questionnaires. An enzyme- linked immunosorbent as say was performed to detect IgG antibody to H. pylori.
Results : The overall seroprevalence observed was 46.6% and showed no statistical diffrerence between female (45.9%) and male (47.2%). The seroprevalences in children (neonate- 15 y) and adult (16- 79 y) were 17.2% and 66.9%, respectively. According to multivariate analysis, variables such as sex, age, geographic area, crowding (number of person per room) in childhood, economic status in childhood, and types of hous ing in childhood were significantly and independently associated with H. pylori seroprevalence of adults. In children, age, geographic area, income, mother' seducation, and drinking water source were significant risk factors of H. pylori infection.
Conclusion : Socioeconomic condition and close person to person contact in childhood are the significant determinants for H. pylori infection in adult. Drinking water source is an another important risk factor for H. pylori infection in children, suggesting the fecal to oral transmission in
Korea.(Korean J Med 59:376- 387, 2000)
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