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Korean Youth with Comorbid Allergic Disease and Obesity Show Heightened Psychological Distress

 Soo Yeon Kim MD  ;  Sun Ha Choi  ;  Jong Deok Kim  ;  In Suk Sol  ;  Min Jung Kim  ;  Yoon Hee Kim  ;  Young-Chul Jung  ;  Myung Hyun Sohn  ;  Kyung Won Kim 
 Journal of Pediatrics, Vol.206 : 99-104 e4, 2019 
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allergic rhinitis ; asthma ; atopic dermatitis ; mental health ; obesity ; stress ; suicidal ideation
OBJECTIVE: To explore psychological distress in Korean adolescents having allergic disease comorbid with obesity.

STUDY DESIGN: A total of 703 869 adolescents who completed the Korean Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey between 2007 and 2016 were analyzed. Participants were divided into 4 groups-healthy control, allergic disease only, obesity only, and comorbidity of allergic disease and obesity-and compared them to determine whether they showed differences in mental health.

RESULTS: Adolescents with both atopic dermatitis and obesity had significantly greater odds of experiencing unhappiness (OR, 1.17), stress (OR, 1.32), and suicidal ideation (OR, 1.25) than those without both conditions. The same was true of adolescents with obesity and allergic rhinitis (OR, 1.21, 1.37, and 1.27, respectively) or bronchial asthma (OR, 1.37, 1.39, and 1.37). The comorbidity groups also showed significantly greater odds of stress and suicidal ideation than the allergic disease-only (atopic dermatitis with obesity, 1.21 and 1.15, respectively; allergic rhinitis with obesity, 1.11 and 1.09; bronchial asthma with obesity, 1.17 and 1.14) and obesity-only groups (atopic dermatitis with obesity, 1.13 and 1.09; allergic rhinitis with obesity, 1.18 and 1.10; bronchial asthma with obesity, 1.18 and 1.21).

CONCLUSIONS: Allergic disease and obesity negatively and additively influence mental health in adolescents.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Pediatrics (소아과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Psychiatry (정신과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Kyung Won(김경원) ORCID logo
Kim, Min Jung(김민정) ORCID logo
Kim, Soo Yeon(김수연) ORCID logo
Kim, Yoon Hee(김윤희) ORCID logo
Kim, Jong Deok(김종덕)
Sol, In Suk(설인숙) ORCID logo
Sohn, Myung Hyun(손명현) ORCID logo
Jung, Young Chul(정영철) ORCID logo
Choi, Sun Ha(최선하)
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