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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2009F-18 FDG PET scan findings in patients with Loeffler's syndromeCLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE
2001F-18 FDG Positron Emission Tomography To Differentiate Diabetic Osteoarthropathy from Septic ArthritisCLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE
2001F-18 FDG Uptake in a Patient with Psoriatic Arthritis: Imaging Correlation with Patient SymptomsCLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE
2002F-18 FDG uptake in congestive splenomegalyCLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE
2001F-18 FDG Uptake in the Large Arteries: A New ObservationCLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE
2015F-18 Fluoride Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography for Detecting Atherosclerotic Plaques KOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY
2015¹⁸F-FDG PET/CT in hepatocellular carcinoma: detection of bone metastasis and prediction of prognosisNUCLEAR MEDICINE COMMUNICATIONS
2022Fabrication and evaluation of bilateral Helmholtz radiofrequency coil for thermo-stable breast image with reduced artifacts JOURNAL OF APPLIED CLINICAL MEDICAL PHYSICS
2017Factors affecting survival after concurrent chemoradiation therapy for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma: a retrospective study RADIATION ONCOLOGY
2013Factors indicating renal injury in pediatric bilateral ureteropelvic- junction obstructionUROLOGY
2002False negative interpretation of FDG positron emission tomography in a patient with Hodgkin's lymphomaCLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE
2007FDA exploratory IND의 기준을 중심으로 본 국내 방사성 의약품 기술개발을 위한 제언NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING
2007FDG-PET for evaluating the antitumor effect of intraarterial 3-bromopyruvate administration in a rabbit VX2 liver tumor model KOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY
2014FDG-PET predicts outcomes of treated bone metastasis following palliative radiotherapy in patients with hepatocellular carcinomaLIVER INTERNATIONAL
2024Feasibility and limitations of deep learning-based coronary calcium scoring in PET-CT: a comparison with coronary calcium score CTEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY
2015Feasibility of Computed Tomography-Guided Methods for Spatial Normalization of Dopamine Transporter Positron Emission Tomography Image PLOS ONE
2018Feasibility of Coronary 18F-Sodium Fluoride Positron-Emission Tomography Assessment With the Utilization of Previously Acquired Computed Tomography Angiography Circulation. Cardiovascular Imaging
2017Feasibility of Preoperative FDG PET/CT Total Hepatic Glycolysis in the Remnant Liver for the Prediction of Postoperative Liver FunctionAMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY
2020First-in-human evaluation of [C-11]PS13, a novel PET radioligand, to quantify cyclooxygenase-1 in the brainEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING

