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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2013A Comparison of Postoperative Pain After Conventional Open Thyroidectomy and Transaxillary Single-Incision Robotic Thyroidectomy: A Prospective StudyANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY
2012Analgesic efficacy of bilateral superficial cervical plexus block in robot-assisted endoscopic thyroidectomy using a transaxillary approachWORLD JOURNAL OF SURGERY
2023Effects of Deep Neuromuscular Block during Robot-Assisted Transaxillary Thyroidectomy: A Randomized Controlled Trial JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
2014Sex differences in remifentanil requirements for preventing cough during anesthetic emergence. YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2017The Effects of Intravenous Lidocaine Infusions on the Quality of Recovery and Chronic Pain After Robotic Thyroidectomy: A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Controlled StudyWORLD JOURNAL OF SURGERY
2023The effects of perioperative dexmedetomidine infusion on hemodynamic stability during laparoscopic adrenalectomy for pheochromocytoma: a randomized study FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE
2015Type of anaesthesia and patient quality of recovery: a randomized trial comparing propofol-remifentanil total i.v. anaesthesia with desflurane anaesthesiaBRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA

