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인체구강모델을 이용한 구강점막자극 동물대체시험법 개발

Other Titles
 Development of an alternative oral irritation test method using three-dimensional human oral mucosal models 
 임혜림  ;  이정선  ;  김태성  ;  고경육  ;  안일영  ;  김주환  ;  이진하  ;  양송이  ;  김광만  ;  손수정 
 Journal of Alternatives to Animal Experiments (동물실험대체법학회지), Vol.9(1) : 23-32, 2015 
Journal Title
Journal of Alternatives to Animal Experiments(동물실험대체법학회지)
Issue Date
Dental materials ; Oral mucosal irritation ; Oral mucosal model ; MTT assay ; Cytokine secretion
Ensuring the biological safety of dental materials is important, because people of all ages use them and they stay inside the mouth of a person for years once they are put into it. However, current oral irritation tests bring pain to animals, and there are no internationally accepted alternative test methods. In this study, we have developed a new method to test for oral irritation using three-dimensional (3D) human oral mucosal models in the light of growing needs for alternatives to animal testing in order to ensure the safety of dental materials. The commercially available 3D human oral mucosal models (EpiOral™, HOM™) were cultured, using normal oral epithelial cells, and histologically and phenotypically similar to native buccal tissues. Two controls and three dental materials that are widely used in dentistry were selected for testing. These included a polyethylene film (negative control), 1% Triton X-100 (positive control), resin, denture base resin and impression materials. These three dental materials were prepared according to manufacturers’ instructions, and were turned into 0.7-cm discs in diameter. And then, we directly placed the controls and the three dental materials on the top of each human oral mucosal model for 24 hours and measured tissue viability via the MTT assay and cytokine secretion. When cell viability is less than 50% or cytokine secretion is more than 250 pg/ml, a test material is evaluated as an irritant. The negative control, resin and denture base resin turned out non-irritants while the positive control and the impression materials irritants. Since the results of the oral mucosal irritation test of dental materials using human oral mucosal models matched those of existing cytotoxicity tests, it seems that the oral mucosal test can be a good alternative method. The results of this study suggest that the oral mucosal irritation test employing the 3D human oral mucosal models can be an alternative test method for dental materials. And further validation studies are required in order to take advantage of this method in the future.
Appears in Collections:
2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Dept. of Dental Biomaterials and Bioengineering (치과생체재료공학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Kwang Mahn(김광만) ORCID logo
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