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불소 함유 교정용 레진 시멘트의 불소 유리 및 법랑질 탈회 저항성에 대한 효과

Other Titles
 The Effect of Orthodontic Resin Cements Containing Fluoride on Fluoride-releasing and the Resistance to Enamel Decalcification 
 김명은  ;  강재경  ;  김수화  ;  이민영  ;  이주혜  ;  김형식  ;  김광만 
 Journal of the Korean Research Society for Dental Materials (대한치과기재학회지), Vol.11(5) : 445-453, 2011 
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Research Society for Dental Materials(대한치과기재학회지)
Issue Date
Decalcification ; Fluoride releasing ; Orthodontic resin cement
Objectives : The purpose of this study was to determine of fluoride-releasing of orthodontic resin cements containing fluoride and compare decalcification of tooth attached fluoride and non-fluoride resin cements. Methods : Total eighty premolar tooth were used in this study. Forty tooth were used for fluoride releasing measurement and forty tooth were used for decalcification measurement. Each forty tooth were randomly divided into four groups, and brackets were attached on tooth surface with Blugloo, Light Bond, Orthofolw(experimental groups) and Transbond cement(control group). After brackets were attached on tooth surface, forty tooth were immersed in artificial salival and then the quantity of fluoride releasing was measured ever day for 8days and then three-days intervals for 3 weeks. Forty tooth were immersed in decalcification solution for 48hours and then degree of decalcification was measured as lesion area, ΔF, and ΔQ using QLF. The data were analysed by one-way ANOVA and Pearson's correlation coefficient using SPSS 12.0program. Results : Fluoride release of experimental groups was higher than control group(p<0.05). Cumulative fluoride release of experimental groups was also higher than control group(p<0.05). There were the highest release during first day. ΔF, and ΔQ was high TB > BG > OF > LB (p<0.05). Change of ΔF, and ΔQ was also high TB > BG > OF > LB (p<0.05). As for correlation between fluoride release and lesion area, ΔF, and ΔQ showed negative correlation but there was no significant difference. Conclusions : This study shows that orthodontic reins cements containing fluoride release fluoride and prevent initial enamel decalcification caused by orthodontic treatment.
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2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Dept. of Dental Biomaterials and Bioengineering (치과생체재료공학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Kwang Mahn(김광만) ORCID logo
Kim, Hyoung Sik(김형식)
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