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중국 현지 의료소비자의 특성 및 의료기관 선택 연구

Other Titles
 A Study on the characteristics of Chinese medical care consumers and choice of medical care providers 
 김지만  ;  이상규  ;  신재용  ;  송주영  ;  이예슬  ;  김태현 
 Korean Journal of Hospital Management, Vol.23(1) : 78-86, 2018 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Hospital Management(병원경영학회지)
Issue Date
health service ; China ; healthcare customer
Purposes: This study identifies local Chinese consumers' standard for selecting medical care provider and their standard for choosing medical staff, as well as their expectations and concerns regarding Korean medical care
Methodology: A survey was conducted in China, to identify Chinese medical care consumers' standards for selecting a medical provider and the factors that influence their use of general hospitals. A total of 1,500 people
across three cities, between the ages 18 and 60 participated in the survey. Moreover, a multiple logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the factors that affect Chinese medical care consumers' use of general hospitals.
Findings: A total of 75.5 percent respondents chose general hospitals as their most frequently-used medical provider. Those who have health insurance, visit general hospitals as outpatients or are hospitalized more
frequently than those who do not have a health insurance. Furthermore, those who have private insurance visit general hospitals as outpatients or are hospitalized more frequently than those who are not signed up for private
insurance. Major standards for selecting a hospital included: the doctor's skills, word-of-mouth regarding the hospital, and distance to the hospital from the respondents' home. Standards for choosing medical personnel
included word-of-mouth regarding the medical team, recommendations from family members or acquaintances, and medical team's notoriety. Friends and neighbors, family members, television and other media outlets were the
channels for acquiring information on a hospital. It was found that Chinese people mostly visit the cardiovascular department of Korean hospitals for treatment. For using Korean hospitals in China, the majority of respondents
answered that they were concerned about the cost.
Practical Implications: Backed by highly skilled medical experts and cutting-edge technology, Korean medical care providers are attempting to enter China's medical care market. To succeed in China's medical care market, it
is vital to conduct a clear and precise analysis.
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4. Graduate School of Public Health (보건대학원) > Graduate School of Public Health (보건대학원) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Ji Man(김지만)
Kim, Tae Hyun(김태현) ORCID logo
Shin, Jae Yong(신재용) ORCID logo
Lee, Sang Gyu(이상규) ORCID logo
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