HBsAg positive parturient ; HBsAg positive prevalence ; Korea
HBsAg positive parturient ; HBsAg positive prevalence ; Korea
Objective: To study prevalence rate of HBsAg positive parturient women in Korea and compare different rates according to the locations of delivery.
Methods: Total 848 institutions which reported more than 100 deliveries during 2001, were included for this study. Designed questionnaire were used to study the numbers of HBsAg positive parturients and total deliveries. The survey was conducted by mail, telephone and visit. Total 279,734 deliveries (55.2% of estimated total deliveries) were obtained to complete the study.
Results: Prevalence rates of HBsAg positive parturient women in Korea were 3.23% and 3.3% in 2001 and 2002 respectively. Cheju area showed highest prevalence rates. Women delivering in urban area showed higher prevlance rate than those in rural area.
Conclusion: Prevalence rates of HBsAg positive parturient women were 3.3% in 2001-2002 and the rates sustained around 3.5% since 1992 in Korea.