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단일 기관에서 진단받은 가와사끼병 환아 1,000례의 통계학적 분석

Other Titles
 Statistical Analysis of 1,000 Cases of Kawasaki Disease Patients Diagnosed at a Single Institute 
 황대환  ;  신경미  ;  최경민  ;  최재영  ;  설준희  ;  김동수 
 Korean Journal of Pediatrics, Vol.48(4) : 416-424, 2005 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Pediatrics
Issue Date
Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome ; Intravenous immunoglobulins ; Risk factors ; recurrence ; Treatment outcome ; Treatment failure
Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome ; Intravenous immunoglobulins ; Risk factors ; recurrence ; Treatment outcome ; Treatment failure
Purpose : To find the risk factors associated with coronory artery lesions, non-responsiveness to intravenous immunoglobulin(IVIG) treatment, and recurrences in Kawasaki disease patients.
Methods : We retrospectively analyzed 1,000 Kawasaki disease patients who were admitted to Yonsei University Medical Center from September 1990 to December 2003. We compared between responder and non-responder groups to IVIG treatment as well as between relapsed and non-relapsed groups, and as to the relapsed group, we also compared variables between patients in their first and second attack states. Finally, factors associated with longer-fever duration from disease onset were evaluated.
Results : Longer fever durations before and after IVIG treatment, male sex, lower Hgb and Hct level, higher WBC count and segmented WBC proportion, and higher CRP and Harada's score were related with coronary artery lesions. Non-responsiveness was related to higher WBC count, segmented WBC proportion, CRP, SGPT, Harada's score, and pyuria. Moderate-to-severe coronary artery dilatations and recurrences were more commonly seen among the non-responder group. No significant predictive factors for recurrence were found. In the relapsed group, lower WBC count, CRP, and shorter fever duration from disease onset were observed in their second attack state. Fever duration from disease onset showed positive correlation with WBC count, CRP, and Harada's score and negative correlation with Hgb levels.
Conclusion : Higher WBC count, CRP, and higher Harada's score were related to both higher incidences of coronary artery lesions and non-responsiveness to IVIG treatment, and these factors were also related with longer fever duration. Non-responders to IVIG treatment showed higher recurrence rate and more moderate-to-severe coronary artery dilatations than responders.
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Yonsei Authors
Kim, Dong Soo(김동수)
Sul, Jun Hui(설준희)
Sin, Kyoung Mi(신경미)
Choi, Kyong Min(최경민)
Choi, Jae Young(최재영) ORCID logo
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