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한국의 B형간염표면항원 양성산모에서 태어난 신생아의 수직감염 예방사업 평가

Other Titles
 Evaluation of prevention program for neonatal vertical transmission from HBsAg positive mother in Korea 
 김보욱  ;  서경  ;  박숙경  ;  김영택  ;  박옥  ;  이현준  ;  홍원기  ;  황한성 
 Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (대한산부인과학회지), Vol.48(9) : 2067-2072, 2005 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology(대한산부인과학회지)
Issue Date
Vertical transmission ; HBsAg positive mother ; Neonatal immunization ; Breast feeding
Vertical transmission ; HBsAg positive mother ; Neonatal immunization ; Breast feeding
Objective: For evaluation of prevention program for neonatal vertical transmission from HBsAg positive mother in Korea

Methods: From January 15th to February 15th 2003, the status of neonatal vaccination, immunoglobuline injection and breast feeding of HBsAg positive mother was evaluated by using mailed questionnaire in 848 hostpitals with more than 100 deliveries in the year of 2001. 341 out of 848 (40.2%) hospitals returned questionnaires.

Results: 91.9% of total hospital reported that the vaccination of hepatitis B and immunoglobulin injection was done within 12 hours after birth in more than 90% of neonate. The most commonly used vaccine type was 0-1-6 method. In case of unknown result of HBsAg/ HBsAb in mother, 84.4% of hospitals delayed immunoglobulin injection until complete report, however 63% of hospitals gave hepatitis vaccine without delay before complete result. The breast feeding of HBsAg positive mother was recommended according to the result of HBeAg in 66.3% of hospitals while 24.9% of hospitals recommend breast feeding.

Conclusion: Most hospitals in Korea reported that vaccination of Hepatitis B and immunoglobulin injection was done within 12 hours after in over 90% of neonate whose mother was HBsAg Positive. But continuous education and careful monitoring are required for injection method and vaccination policy in neonates of mothers with unknown result of HBsAg/HBsAb of mother.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology (산부인과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Seo, Kyung(서경)
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