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편측저작이 저작근의 근활성도와 교합력에 미치는 영향

Other Titles
 Influence of Preferred Chewing Habit on Electromyographic Activity of Masticatory Muscles and Bite Force 
 양호연  ;  신준한  ;  최종훈  ;  안형준 
 Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Medicine (대한구강내과학회지), Vol.30(1) : 45-55, 2005 
Journal Title
Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Medicine(대한구강내과학회지)
Issue Date
preferred chewing habit ; masticatory muscles ; EMG activity ; bite force ; occlusal contact area
preferred chewing habit ; masticatory muscles ; EMG activity ; bite force ; occlusal contact area
As people prefer to use right or left hand, some have preferred chewing side while others do not. Totally, 82 volunteers composed of students and staffs from Dental Hospital College of Dentistry Yonsei University participated in this study for the investigation of influence of preferred chewing habit, that has lasted for more than a year, on electromyographic(EMG) activity of masticatory muscles and bite force. Among the 82 volunteers, 46 had preferred chewing habit while the other 36 did not. Prior to the investigation, those with factors that could affect the study, such as, general disease, irregular dentition and malocclusion, were screened and excluded by questionnaire and clinical examination. The results were as follows: 1. There was no significant difference in EMG activities between chewing side and non-chewing side of preferred chewing subjects at rest as well as maximal voluntary contraction(MCV)(p>0.05). 2. Asymmetrical coefficient of temporal and masseter muscle EMG activities between preferred chewing subjects and non-preferred chewing subjects at rest was not significantly different(p>0.05). 3. Asymmetrical coefficient of masseter EMG activity was significantly higher(p<0.05) than that of non-preferred chewing subjects at MCV, whereas that of anterior temporal muscle showed no difference(p<0.05). 4. In preferred chewing subjects, there was no significant difference in average bite force and occlusal contact area between chewing side and non-chewing side(p>0.05). 5. There was no significant difference in Asymmetrical coefficients of average bite force and occlusal contact area between preferred chewing subjects and non-preferred chewing subjects (p>0.05). Consequently, preferred chewing habit can be considered as physiological asymmetry with normal function rather than to have influence on EMG muscle activity of masticatory muscles, average bite force and occlusal contact area. Objective standardization to differentiate preferred chewing subjects and non-preferred chewing subjects should be established in the further study.
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Yonsei Authors
Ahn, Hyoung Joon(안형준)
Choi, Jong Hoon(최종훈) ORCID logo
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