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직장암의 근치적 절제술 후 보조 화학요법과 보조 화학방사선 병용요법

Other Titles
 Postoperative Adjuvant Chemotherapy and Chemoradiation for Rectal Cancer 
 이강규  ;  박경란  ;  이익재  ;  김익용  ;  심광용  ;  김대성  ;  이종영 
 Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Vol.20(4) : 334-342, 2002 
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology(대한방사선종양학회지)
Issue Date
직장암 ; 근치적 절제술 ; 화학방사선 병행요법
Purpose : The aim of this study was to determine if postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy (CT) alone and concurrent chemoradiation (CCRT), following radical surgery, improved the disease free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) in rectal cancer AJCC stage Ⅱ and Ⅲ patients.
Materials and Methods : A total of 144 patients with AJCC stage Ⅱ and Ⅲ rectal cancer who had had radical surgery between 1989 and 1999 were include in the study. Of these patients, 72 had been treated with postoperative CT, and the other 72 with postoperative CCRT. The chemotherapy regimen consisted of oral UFT on a daily basis for 1~12 months (median 12 months) or 5-FU (500 mg/㎡ for 5 days) intravenous (Ⅳ) chemotherapy with 4 week intervals for 1~18 cycles (median 6 cycles). Radiation of 4,500 cGy was delivered to the surgical bed and regional pelvic lymph nodes area, followed by 540~1,440 cGy (median 540 cGy) boost to the surgical bed. The follow-up period ranged from 20 to 150 months, with a median of 44 months.
Results : The 5-year OS was 60.9% and 68.9% (p=0.0915), and the 5-year DFS was 56.1% and 63.8%(p=0.3510) for postoperative CT and postoperative CCRT, respectively. In the stage Ⅱ patients, the 5-year OS was 71.1% and 92.2%, and the 5-year DFS was 57.3% and 85.4% for postoperative CT and CCRT respectively. The OS was significantly improved (p=0.0379) but the DFS was not with postoperative CCRT compared to the postoperative CT (p=0.1482). In the stage Ⅲ patients, the 5-year OS was 52.0% and 55.0%, and the 5-year DFS was 47.8% and 49.8% for postoperative CT and postoperative CCRT. There were no statistically significant differences between postoperative CT and CCRT (p=0.4280 and p=0.7891) in OS and DFS. The locoregional relapses were 16.7 and 12.5% for postoperative CT and CCRT, respectively. The distant relapses were 25.0% and 26.4% for postoperative CT and CCRT, respectively.
Conclusion : These results showed that postoperative CCRT compared with CT alone improved OS in stage Ⅱ patients. Although there was no statistical significance, the addition of postoperative RT to CT reduced locoregional relapses compared to CT alone
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